Sunday, August 06, 2006

This is More About Renting a Room in my Flat

Sunday 6th August
This blog is supposed to be about the Edinburgh Festival and I don't want to turn it into a rant about prospective flatmates not reading flat advertisments properly but...

Brad turned up, wearing his jacket round his waste like a kilt, to discover that his student staus wasn't what the flat was looking for. Two folk didn't turn up and the only other guy that did, ignored me in order to speak to my current flatmate in Chinese. When he did find it appropriate to speak to me, it became obvious that he'd ignored most of the advert and seemed put out that I couldn't alter things like council tax and the entry date to suit him.

I would have thought that when you read a flat ad, you see what criteria suits you and what doesn't. Based on that you then phone or don't phone about the room. But naw, it appears that folk out there think I'm trying to do them a great big favour and they can change the stuff in the ad they don't like to suit themselves.

I would also have thought one of the first things to remember when you're meeting someone you might move in with, is don't piss them off within the first minute of meeting them.

Funnily enough the advert doesn’t read: “Dear plums of Glasgow, looking for a flat tailored to your needs? Want to ignore or be obnoxious to your new roommate from the word go? Want to be indignant when things don’t go quite the way you want them to? Then call me, Tom, cos I’m allowing you to do me a big favour by letting you waste big chunks of time.”

But back on topic, the last rehearsal involved ironing out a couple of the weaker moments and trying to find a way to satisfactorily end the show.

I had suggested sticking in an extra rehearsal after the dress, as I imagined logitical problems may arise from it. This does mean however that we missed going to the opening night party and my chance to hob-nob with folk like Les Dennis.

Foolishly a couple of weeks ago in rehearsal I came up with a throwaway line which means I have to shave my chest. So, if you’ll excuse me…


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